Maple Pecan Cinnamon Rolls

Calling all cinnamon roll lovers! My decadent maple pecan cinnamon rolls are packed with gooey caramelised pecans, a light cinnamon flavour and a drizzle of sweet maple glaze. These are sure to become everyone’s new favourite indulgence, and are such fun to make! So grab a brew and get ready to indulge to a delicious treat that will have everyone coming back for more!

My maple pecan cinnamon rolls are soft and fluffy, packed with plenty of sticky maple pecan filling and topped with a delicious maple cream cheese glaze. Yum! Recipe by movers and bakers

What makes these maple pecan cinnamon rolls so delicious?

  • Cinnamon and maple syrup. The combination of warm cinnamon and sweet maple syrup is utterly irresistible. It will fill your kitchen and home with a wonderful homely aroma.
  • Added texture. Pecans add a delightful texture to contrast the sweet, sticky and soft bread and filling in this pecan cinnamon rolls recipe.
  • Perfect crowning glory. A decadent cream cheese icing is spread over the top of the pecan pie cinnamon rolls. It adds just the right amount of creamy sweetness to tie everything together.

How are sticky buns different from cinnamon rolls?

Sticky buns and cinnamon rolls may seem similar at first glance, but there are some key differences that set them apart.

First of all, sticky buns are typically made with a gooey caramel or honey glaze that coats the bottom of the pan and seeps into the dough as it bakes. This gives them their signature sticky texture and sweet flavour. By contrast, cinnamon rolls are usually topped with a creamy icing made from powdered sugar, butter, and often cream cheese after baking.

Another difference is in the shape and presentation of the two bakes. Sticky buns are often baked in a round or square pan with the glaze on the bottom, so when they are flipped over after baking, the sticky topping is on top. Cinnamon rolls, by contrast, are usually rolled up before baking and served individually with icing being drizzled on them after baking.

Pecan cinnamon roll ingredients

  • Milk: gently warmed up, whole milk is used to activate the yeast before using in the dough to make these pecan cinnamon rolls.
  • Sugar: three different sugars are used in making these maple pecan cinnamon rolls. Caster sugar in the dough helps feed the yeast for a light dough, dark brown sugar gives a wonderful caramel flavour to the maple pecan filling and icing (powdered) sugar is used in the icing on cinnamon rolls.
  • Yeast: essential in making these gorgeous maple frosted cinnamon rolls for a light and soft bread dough. Always use dried active yeast and not fast action yeast in this recipe.
  • Flour: I used strong white bread flour to make these delicious easy maple pecan cinnamon rolls. Bread flour has more protein than plain flour, which gives bread its structure and elasticity, the two cannot be swapped without compromising the final results.
  • Salt: simply added to balance the flavour in the bread.
  • Unsalted butter: I like to use unsalted butter so I can control how much salt is in my bakes. For best results, use butter at room temperature, for both the bread dough and the maple frosting.
  • Yogurt: gives a light tang to the bread and keeps it tender.
  • Maple syrup: a key flavour in these maple cinnamon rolls. Used in the filling of the cinnamon rolls as well as in the cream cheese frosting on top.
  • Cinnamon: added to the filling before the dough is rolled out and sliced ready for a second prove.
  • Pecans: essential flavour, but gives a lovely texture to the rolls too. I like to chop mine fairly fine so I can spread them out more easily through the filling.
  • Cream cheese: used as part of the frosting on these maple pecan cinnamon rolls. A cream cheese topping to cinnamon rolls are a must for me!

What equipment do you need to make cinnamon rolls

  • Digital kitchen scales*: I provide all my measurements in cups too, however I would encourage all bakers to weigh out ingredients using weighing scales when baking. A set of digital kitchen scales is so useful and an essential baking tool for me.
  • Measuring spoons*: a set of measuring spoons is essential for any baker. This is because these are more accurate than using everyday teaspoons and tablespoons, which can vary greatly in size.
  • Jug*: to mix the initial ingredients together and activate the yeast ahead of making these pecan maple cinnamon rolls.
  • Stand mixer*: I used a stand mixer to knead my dough today, just for ease, but this is not essential as you can knead it by hand of course.
  • Mixing bowl*: to be used for the first prove of the dough.
  • Small mixing bowl*: for mixing together the butter/sugar mixture to spread over the dough as well as to make the maple glaze topping the cinnamon rolls.
  • Rolling pin*: for rolling out the bread dough. If you do not have a rolling pin, get creative! A tall glass or even a wine bottle works well too!
  • Floss*: yes floss! The secret to helping you cut the rolled up dough without squashing it and pushing out all the delicious filling!
  • Oven safe dish*: I used a casserole pan to make these in, but you can use a different oven safe dish if you wish. Ensure there is enough room for the dough to grow during the second proof. For a rectangular dish, use one about 9″ x 13″.
  • Spatula*: you could use a spoon too. I used a spatula to mix together the maple cinnamon sugar filling for the rolls as well as the maple cream cheese glaze for the topping.

How to make pecan cinnamon rolls

Bread is actually really quite easy to make. It is the proving that takes time, so this is where the patience is needed in this whole process. First make the bread dough, mixing and kneading until smooth before leaving to prove and double in size. Once doubled, it is rolled out and filled with a maple cinnamon butter and pecans before shaping and cutting ahead of a second prove. After the second rise, the rolls are baked until golden and beautiful before being topped with a glorious maple icing for cinnamon rolls. And that’s it! Enjoy!

Ingredients required for the rolls: whole milk, caster sugar, fast action yeast, strong white bread flour, salt, unsalted butter, yogurt, dark brown sugar, cinnamon, maple syrup and pecans. Recipe by movers and bakers

For the dough

Step 1: Mix the milk, yeast and sugar in a jug. Set this aside in a warm place for about 20 minutes until the surface is covered with froth. Whisk again and use immediately.

Step 2: While the yeast is activating, mix together the flour and salt in a large bowl. Tip in the butter and rub in until the mixture resembles breadcrumbs and there are no large clumps of butter remaining.

Step 3: Make a well in the middle of the dry ingredients. Pour in the frothy milk mixture and the yogurt. Gradually incorporate all the flour, bringing the dough together into a ball. Knead, using a stand mixer or by hand, until the dough is soft and smooth. This will take about 5-10 minutes with a stand mixer or 10-15 minutes if done by hand. Shape into a smooth ball.

Step 4: Lightly dust a large bowl with some flour. Place the ball of dough in the bowl and cover with cling film. Place the bowl in a warm place (I use my proving drawer) for the dough to double in size. This can take anything from 40 minutes to a couple of hours, depending on how warm the space is.

For the filling and assembling the cinnamon rolls

Step 1: While the dough is proving, prepare the filling ingredients. In a mixing bowl, mix the butter, dark brown sugar, cinnamon and maple syrup together until smooth and evenly combined. Separately, chop the pecans finely, then set aside.

Step 2: Once the dough has doubled in size, punch it down and knead a little to smoothen again. Dust a work surface with a little flour, then roll the dough out into a rectangle about 1.5 cm thick.

Step 3: Spread the maple cinnamon sugar filling evenly all over the rolled out dough, leaving a border of about ½” all around without filling. Sprinkle the chopped pecans in an even layer over the sugar filling.

Step 4: Starting from one long side of the rectangle, roll the dough into a spiral, encompassing the filling within the log. Let the log rest with the seam underneath and press the two ends towards the centre. Use a length of floss to cut the ends off (these can be baked and eaten, but will likely not have as much filling in them). Cut the remaining log into twelve spirals using this method: cut the whole log in half, then each half into two again to get four equally sized logs. Cut each of these smaller logs into three to make a total of twelve.

Cut the rolled up log of dough into twelve rolls before the second proof. Recipe by movers and bakers

Step 5: Place each of the twelve spirals into your oven safe dish, spiral side up. Cover loosely with a tea towel and leave to prove until doubled in size.

Step 6: Once the rolls have doubled in size, preheat the oven to 180C/350F. Optional: brush the rolls with a little beaten egg before baking. This will give them a beautiful golden colour on top. Bake the cinnamon rolls for 20-25 minutes until golden brown.

Placing the rolls in the pan before the second proof. Recipe by movers and bakers

For the maple cream cheese glaze

Step 1: While the cinnamon rolls are baking, make the cream cheese cinnamon rolls frosting. Simply place all the ingredients together in a bowl and mix until smooth. Easy peasy!

Step 2: Once the cinnamon rolls are baked, allow them to cool slightly before removing from the tin. Spread the glaze generously over the cinnamon rolls and dig in! Enjoy!

My maple pecan cinnamon rolls are soft and fluffy, packed with plenty of sticky maple pecan filling and topped with a delicious maple cream cheese glaze. Yum! Recipe by movers and bakers

Is it better to use brown sugar or white sugar for cinnamon rolls?

There are three different sugars used in making these maple pecan cinnamon rolls, so I would highly recommend sticking with the recommended sugars in each part of the bake. Each of the sugars will play a different role, so I would definitely suggest not swapping out for any other similar sugars.

Why are my cinnamon rolls not light and fluffy?

Baking breads can be a daunting process for many, and naturally there are a few things that can affect the final texture of the bake too. Cinnamon rolls should be light and fluffy, but if yours have turned out dense instead, there may be a couple of reasons for this.

Firstly, check your yeast! If the yeast is old or has not been activated properly, it can result in the dough not rising sufficiently to give you light and fluffy cinnamon rolls.

Assuming the yeast you are using is good, make sure you are allowing the dough enough time to rise. Both times proving the dough is important, so ensure you allow it enough time and warmth to do its thing! Give the maple cinnamon rolls dough plenty of time to rise in a warm spot until doubled on both first and second proves.

The best way to cut cinnamon rolls

Ditch the knife and opt for floss. Yes, you read right: FLOSS!

Since the dough for this recipe for pecan cinnamon rolls is so soft, a knife would potentially squish the rolls. This would result in dragging down and tearing the dough as it is sliced, pushing out the filling and misshaping the spirals. Floss, or even some sewing thread, works well because it cuts the dough from the outside of the long inwards, putting even pressure on all sides of the cut and so not warping the roll out of shape.

If you have no option but to use a knife, make sure to use a really sharp tool and saw gently back and forth, allowing the knife to cut through without pressure. Do not press straight down when cutting this way or it will result in misshapen cinnamon rolls.

To cut using floss, grab a long length (about a foot long gives you plenty to work with) and run it along the bottom of the log. Toss the two ends over the top of the roll, crossing them over each other. Pull the two ends tightly together to slice through the roll for perfectly cut and shaped rolls ready for a second proof and bake!

My maple pecan cinnamon rolls are soft and fluffy, packed with plenty of sticky maple pecan filling and topped with a delicious maple cream cheese glaze. Yum! Recipe by movers and bakers

How long will homemade baked cinnamon rolls last in the fridge?

Homemade cinnamon rolls do pretty well at home! Stored in the fridge, they will last for up to a week. Always bring to room temperature before enjoying.

Tips for making maple pecan cinnamon roll dough

  • Use warm, not hot, milk when activating the yeast. If the milk it too hot, it will kill the yeast. If it is too cool, the yeast will not activate. I microwave the milk in 10 second intervals until it is warm to the touch.
  • Ensure you use yeast that is at room temperature and in date. Both these factors will affect the effectiveness of the yeast in making the bread dough.
  • When kneading the bread dough, ensure it is soft and smooth before leaving for the first proof. Do the stick test: press it into the surface of the dough with a clean, dry finger. If it sticks to your finger, keep kneading. If it bounces back with a clean finger, then your work is done!
  • Always always proof bread in a warm space. The warmth is what helps the yeast work to help the dough grow to a pillowy softness.
  • Use floss to cut the rolls out! I PROMISE it is a total GAMECHANGER!!
My maple pecan cinnamon rolls are soft and fluffy, packed with plenty of sticky maple pecan filling and topped with a delicious maple cream cheese glaze. Yum! Recipe by movers and bakers


If you have any other questions about this recipe homemade cinnamon rolls, please leave me a comment below, I would love to help. And if you do make this recipe for pecan cinnamon rolls, please do consider leaving a rating and review below. I would really appreciate your feedback to grow my website and it really helps others looking for a similar recipe too. Additionally, you could also post a picture on Instagram and tag me when you share it with the world. You already know I would love to see!

More recipes from my blog for you to enjoy

Do check out these other delicious recipes on my blog too:

Maple pecan bars: My maple pecan bars have a beautiful buttery brown sugar shortbread crust topped with a rich maple caramel filling and lots of pecans. They are a brilliant quick alternative to pecan pie, and will leave everyone reaching for another piece!

Snickerdoodle cookies: Cinnamon and sugar are truly magic together, wouldn’t you agree? These snickerdoodle cookies without cream of tartar are so quick and easy to make, you can be enjoying them in just an hour! Truly, cinnamon sugar heaven!

Apple cinnamon muffins: These apple cinnamon muffins are PERFECT for lunchboxes or just a tea time snack. They are beautifully moist, perfectly spiced with a delightful crumble topping for a fabulous yummy texture!

Happy baking, my friends! x

Maple Pecan Cinnamon Rolls

Recipe by movers and bakers
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Course: BreadsCuisine: AmericanDifficulty: Intermediate


Prep time


Baking time




Proving time


Total time





Soft and fluffy maple pecan cinnamon rolls packed with flavour and filling and topped with an irresistible maple cream cheese glaze. Yum!

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  • For the dough
  • 150 ml (½ cup + 2 tbsp) whole milk, lukewarm

  • 25 g (2 tbsp) caster sugar

  • 1.5 tsp dried active yeast

  • 500 g (3 ½ cups + 1 tbsp) strong white bread flour

  • 0.5 tsp salt

  • 75 g (¼ cup + 1 tbsp) unsalted butter, cubed

  • 150 g (½ cup + 2 tbsp) thick yogurt (I used Greek)

  • 1 egg, for egg wash (optional)

  • For the filling
  • 50 g (3 tbsp + 2 tsp) unsalted butter, at room temperature

  • 110 g (½ cup + 1 tbsp) dark brown sugar

  • 1 tbsp cinnamon

  • 2 tbsp maple syrup

  • 130 g (1 cup + 1 tbsp) pecans, chopped

  • For the maple cream cheese glaze
  • 40 g (¼ cup + 1 tbsp) icing (powdered) sugar

  • 1.5 tbsp unsalted butter

  • 100 g (¼ cup + 3 tbsp) cream cheese

  • 2.5 tbsp maple syrup

  • chopped pecans, to decorate


  • For the dough
  • Mix the milk, yeast and sugar in a jug. Set this aside in a warm place for about 20 minutes until the surface is covered with froth. Whisk again and use immediately.
  • While the yeast is activating, mix together the flour and salt in a large bowl. Tip in the butter and rub in until the mixture resembles breadcrumbs and there are no large clumps of butter remaining.
  • Make a well in the middle of the dry ingredients. Pour in the frothy milk mixture and the yogurt. Gradually incorporate all the flour, bringing the dough together into a ball. Knead, using a stand mixer or by hand, until the dough is soft and smooth. This will take about 5-10 minutes with a stand mixer or 10-15 minutes if done by hand. Shape into a smooth ball.
  • Lightly dust a large bowl with some flour. Place the ball of dough in the bowl and cover with cling film. Place the bowl in a warm place (I use my proving drawer) for the dough to double in size. This can take anything from 40 minutes to a couple of hours, depending on how warm the space is.
  • For the filling and assembling the cinnamon rolls
  • While the dough is proving, prepare the filling ingredients. In a mixing bowl, mix the butter, dark brown sugar, cinnamon and maple syrup together until smooth and evenly combined. Separately, chop the pecans finely, then set aside.
  • Once the dough has doubled in size, punch it down and knead a little to smoothen again. Dust a work surface with a little flour, then roll the dough out into a rectangle about 1.5 cm thick.
  • Spread the maple cinnamon sugar filling evenly all over the rolled out dough, leaving a border of about ½” all around without filling. Sprinkle the chopped pecans in an even layer over the sugar filling.
  • Starting from one long side of the rectangle, roll the dough into a spiral, encompassing the filling within the log. Let the log rest with the seam underneath and press the two ends towards the centre. Use a length of floss to cut the ends off (these can be baked and eaten, but will likely not have as much filling in them). Cut the remaining log into twelve spirals using this method: cut the whole log in half, then each half into two again to get four equally sized logs. Cut each of these smaller logs into three to make a total of twelve.
  • Place each of the twelve spirals into your oven safe dish, spiral side up. Cover loosely with a tea towel and leave to prove until doubled in size.
  • Once the rolls have doubled in size, preheat the oven to 180C/350F. Optional: brush the rolls with a little beaten egg before baking. This will give them a beautiful golden colour on top. Bake the cinnamon rolls for 20-25 minutes until golden brown.
  • For the maple cream cheese glaze
  • While the cinnamon rolls are baking, make the cream cheese cinnamon rolls frosting. Simply place all the ingredients together in a bowl and mix until smooth. Easy peasy!
  • Once the cinnamon rolls are baked, allow them to cool slightly before removing from the tin. Spread the glaze generously over the cinnamon rolls and dig in! Enjoy!


  • Use warm, not hot, milk when activating the yeast. If the milk it too hot, it will kill the yeast. If it is too cool, the yeast will not activate. I microwave the milk in 10 second intervals until it is warm to the touch.
  • Ensure you use yeast that is at room temperature and in date. Both these factors will affect the effectiveness of the yeast in making the bread dough.
  • When kneading the bread dough, ensure it is soft and smooth before leaving for the first proof. Do the stick test: press it into the surface of the dough with a clean, dry finger. If it sticks to your finger, keep kneading. If it bounces back with a clean finger, then your work is done!
  • Always always proof bread in a warm space. The warmth is what helps the yeast work to help the dough grow to a pillowy softness.
  • Use floss to cut the rolls out! I PROMISE it is a total GAMECHANGER!!

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